Sunday, April 26, 2009

Promoe fan art

I must say that I don't listen to Promoe that much but I really think his latest song is hilarious.
The music is made to attract the kind of ppl he is rapping about in the song. XD
The song is called Svennebanan in swedish. It is great. Anyway, I did this quickie fan-art-pic-something just for the fun of it. Remember it's a quickie and it's not made for any other person than for me...well I could share a little bit ;)

Friday, April 10, 2009


I tried to make this pic looking like a frontpage but it's work in progress. It's all a betaversion, trying to find the right style when it comes to coloring and drawing characters and all. Will proceed to make a more "alive" and interesting frontpage. All made in photoshop.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


I am trying to come up with a funny character that sticks to the memory. It's kinda hard. But enjoy anyways.

Long Lost Planet

First update in a while. It has had it's reasons. I'm working on an idea which resulted in this pic.
Hopefully the updates will be more frequent from now on. Enjoy the pic! :)