Thursday, February 21, 2008


Just some random.....


This style is not what I usually go for but I've discovered that it is much more fun and easier to draw on the computer cause you can take care of your mistakes and change things more quickly than with pencil, paper and ink.

I like these...

Peace out!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A fish!!1

...yes, it's a fish. You've got any problem with that?

Didn't think so.....

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Well now, a special girl told me to do something about my "blogspot" since nothing is happening here.

I thought that was a good idea and decided to put my illustration of a skull here.

All done in photoshop.

Longing to see you again little girlie you ;P

Kisses for you, and to all other ppl...hugs.